So I guess I spoke to soon on our good school days... Today Zar came home with a paper saying she got a think time, the paper said she wouldn't do her work in class and that after 50 min no work was completed so she got a think time..(sigh) when I asked her about it first she said she didn't know then she said she didn't do her work because she was trying to think of the letters for purple. I asked if she asked the teacher for help she said no she said the teacher doesn't help people. From my conversation with her I don't think she understands the think time thing.
I guess I should actually back up a little, on the first day of school first grade doesn't go they each get like a 15 min meeting with the teacher then they start the second day in this meeting I tried to explain to the teacher how we have an anxiety problem and have some things we are trying to work through and I told the teacher that I had a meeting with a Dr. the next day to start the process to deal with this, Well I was super emotional about this and cried (how embarrassing especially with my firm belief that tears show weakness.) anyway the teacher thought I was talking about myself for a minute (adding to the embarrassment) I thought I cleared it up now I am not so sure...
Mike and I went to see this Dr. and we went over Zarleys history and our history and everything anyway the Dr. definitely thinks there is anxiety there his concern was what is fueling the anxiety and he believes there is a possible learning disability that is fueling it (finally someone confirming my own beliefs instead of making me feel like her behavior is all my fault) anyway we decided the best form of action would to be a full evaluation as opposed to just treating anxiety well that appointment is set for Sept 9th.
So back to my problem already Zar has come home with work from school that was suppose to be done in school and she had to finish at home. A note has been sent home saying homework wont start til next week so it isn't homework and I have asked other moms and their kids aren't bringing home papers to finish. So back to today and the think time, What do I do? How do I approach this the right way with the teacher because to me it is clear she needs more help and I don't think the think times are the right approach but I don't want to attack the teacher. I do feel like she is going to be labeled the bad kid or get the feeling that she is bad and whatever. Trying to get her homework done tonight was not fun she didn't want to do it she scribbled all over the paper and said she wasn't doing the work or going to school and I feel like oh boy here we go again.
Well I hope this makes sense I feel like I was all over the place. So any advice on how to proceed would be much appreciated...
Winters Dance for Ellie
2 months ago
Aw, I'm sorry I don't have any helpful advice, but I'm really thrilled for you guys to get the evaluation. I hope it provides more answers, and I'm glad that this doctor seems to be listening! Good luck with the teacher!
I have a good idea about what you're going through. Like teachers punishing Baylee because she snuck food, or fell asleep in class (2 classic problems with PWS). While I think that you will get better support and help with your problems in the private sector(referring to the evaluation with the doctor). I would also request the same thing from the school. I know that the private one will count in the school system too, maybe it would help to go "official" with the school saying "my child has a problem and you need to HELP .. not punish". The other thing if you don't like that idea would be just to call the teacher. Basically restate what you have already told her, and then take it one step further and explain to her that you feel this is a very crucial time. You would appreciate it if she would try and minimize singling her out and punishing her over the first couple of weeks. That you desperately don't want this to set the stage for the entire school year (like maybe it did last year). That you are seeking help and you will keep her (the teacher) updated as soon as you have more information. That you understand that it can be a disruption to the rest of the class but that again it's hopefully only temporary. You need her support .. etc.
Not sure if that's helpful. We can certainly talk more in person on Sunday when we see eachother. :o)
Make a plan/contract with the teacher, yourself, and Zarley for the steps to take when she needs help or is feeling overwhelmed. Have rewards and consequences in place for when the plan is followed. Encourage the teacher to reward her like crazy for good behavior/work in order to make school as positive as possible. Talk to the principal if the teacher is not following through.
Jesse, thanks I was hoping you would respond. I talked to her today and she is going to start a rewards thing tomorrow. Thanks everyone. Thanks Kerry I appreciate your thoughts they were helpful in getting my thoughts together
Email me whenever you have school questions. I have some tricks up my sleeve.
I would certainly jump on this before it goes rapidly downhill! While not criticizing the teacher, it's important for her to know that you need her to be part of "the team" to get Zarley over the hump. After all, everyone should want the same end result. Since your appointment with Zarley's specialist is pretty soon, you may want to wait for his opinion before approaching the school system for resource assistance and evaluation. School needs to be a happy, secure environment for Zarley to learn.
If her teacher isn't empathetic, then Jessi is right, go to the next level.
No one cares about your child as much as you do!
It's O.K. to be upset, that's what happens when you are a good parent!
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