Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My Endless Love...

So mike and I got married 9 years ago so I decided I will put down 9 things that I have learned about mike over the last 9 years. 1. I learned that Mike is more of a Jackass than I originally thought, to bad right?

2. I learned when you go on vacation with Mike you must always
bring the first aid kit he always needs it. If you look closely at this
picture you will see a huge rope burn on his neck from tubing at
Lake Powell. (by the way one of my fav pics of him and winter)

3. I have learned that he is like freaking gumbi, hard to tell in this
picture but he is down in like a tripod picking up something
off the floor for a silly game we played. It's creepy to that
flexible especially for a guy.

4. I was lucky in a sense that before we got married I knew that Mike was going to be a good dad because I got to see before we got married, 3 more kids later and he has not disappointed at all.
5. I learned that Mike can throw a punch and that competitive team sports bring out a side in Mike that I didn't know was there before we got married. He played hockey for awhile with my brother and his brother and he was always in the penalty box.
6. He will protect his family at any cost and hockey also taught me that about him, most of his penalties came from him trying to make sure he had Evans back.

mike and Owen

Mike and Xavier

me pregnant with Owen
7. I learned that in tough times Mike is who I want by my side, getting our kids was a challenge for awhile with lots of miscarriages and he couldn't have been better at that time.

mike at the beach

8. I have learned that Mike is all about a good time and great fun to take with on any vacation.

Lake at Yellowstone (Jenny lake I think)

Mike and Winter

9. I have learned that life is an adventure and good or bad being with someone who makes you laugh is exactly who I want by my side, even if they aren't as funny as they think they are.

p.s. I accidentally deleted a few pictures so I will try to fix that in the morning.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

All I needed to know about my Wife and Kids I learned at Boondocks

So once a weekend Amber and I try and take the kids out of the house as a family night out. Usually we try to do the most with the least amount of money. This weekend we decided to take the kids to Boondocks. As information this is a place that has a video arcade, Mini Golf laser tag. That sort of thing. Well they have a big play area that the has some slides and some things to jump on. We thought this was a great idea to get some energy out of the kids. So we pay the 6 dollars to get both Zarley and Owen and X-man in. Well the little climb things to get to the slide are about up to Xavier's chest. So Zarley his big sister starts lifting him up these step things so he can climb and get to the top. Really a big sister moment. Usually Winter does all the big sister things but this time Winter was baby sitting. I was very proud to see Zarley step into the role.

This portion of our story is brought to you via Amber I was not around, its still me telling the story but this is a story she told me, well half if it I was there for the second half. So once Xavier had figured out how to get to the top by himself he is getting up there. Amber said there were these little girls pushing him out of the way so they could go down the slide. So this is the part I show up for. When the little girls get to the bottom of the slide. Amber walks over there and yells at them not to touch her baby. Very proud of Amber for sticking up for her baby.

Finally Owen and Xavier decide they want to go up the slide the wrong way, well Owen is just flying up the slide the wrong way but Xavier is struggling. No need to worry, big brother to the rescue. Owen sees what the problem is with Xavier his socks are on. So Owen rips off Xavier's socks throws them to me and off he goes up the slide with his little brother in tow.

Every once and while you have these moments in time when you realize how lucky I have it in life. I don't have money, I now don't have hockey. But I am so lucky to have the wife I do and the four kids who I do. Things money cant buy and plenty of people would give up everything they have in life for what I have. This was not meant to be a anniversary post for Amber but she has brought all these things into my life and I am so lucky to have her and the kids she has brought into the world for me.

- Mike

P.S. sorry for the crappy pictures but they were all i have with me