Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pick your battles!

So getting Zarley ready for school is usually not an easy or fun task, she usually lays around throws a fit etc... On this particular morning she got ready quite easily and was ready to go to school. Her hair not combed and these adorable brown and white polka dot leggings, not so adorable with the blue and white striped shirt she paired them with. So here comes the pick your battles part. Do you let her go to school looking like this when usually getting her off to school is not a easy task or do you pick this as one of your battles? I picked it as a battle. What the picture doesn't show is that she still has the leggings on under the skirt. but her hair did get fixed and the leggings weren't quite so noticeable. Wow she has such a sense of fashion doesn't she?

notice she isn't as happy in these as she
was in her own choice.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The moment he has waited for/ The moment she dreads

So anybody who knows Mike knows he loves hockey and cant wait for his boys to play, I however do not share this enthusiasm. I would like my cute little boys to have teeth. However this Sept Owen discovered all of Mikes hockey sticks in the garage. He really liked to play with me, we would hit a ball back and forth and I have to say he is pretty good. It was really a nice way to enjoy the last couple of warm summer weeks. I wanting my boy to keep his teeth hope he doesn't remember how much he liked it come spring. However today would much rather be outside playing hockey with my 3 yr old then be inside freezing as the first snow of the year hits.

Zarley played a little to.

Xavier enjoyed it to, but the sticks were a bit
to long for him