Thursday, August 20, 2009

One of my all time favorite Lake Powell trips

So we did our Lake Powell trip this year it kind of ended up being a sisters trip plus the tweens, seeing that only my parents, Josh and his fam and Troy, Blanca and Auggie were the only ones unable to make it this time. We missed having everyone but we all had a great time.

Mike and I left thurs am (3 am, not to difficult for us seeing Mike has a crazy schedule). When we got there we had breakfast and Mike slept in the car for awhile, then we headed out for the dreaded spot finding job. Most of the day was spent doing this, such pressure trying to find a spot for everyone, that will be good enough. Mike was loosing patience probably due to the lack of sleep. Poor guy! So we finally got everything set up and we were getting ready to go out and finally enjoy the wonders of Lake Powell when the wind kicked up and our tent blew over and the EZ up started to blow away ahh! While trying to get the tent back up we realized the poles had snapped and there was no way it was going to stay up, the sky was turning black and we werent sure what we were going to do for shelter. The water was rough the sky black and we were sure we were doomed for the night. Not to mention Winters crazy fear of storms. We didnt think it would be a good idea to make the 30 min trip back to the marina, then I got the fantastic idea of putting the ez up into our tent to at least hold the tent up for the night. We had made plans to meet everyone else at the Marina early in the morning and show them the way to our spot. We figured if we could make it through the night we could go to walmart in Page in the am for a new tent. Luckily it workd not the most comfortable but it was shelter. At this point mike was completely frusterated, yelling about the @$%##@ day and what a waste. Poor Owen got yelled at for being a whiney @$$%#$@. He then realized that things could only get better from here and his mood started to improve (for the record I thought he was doing fine considering the amount of sleep he had gotten maybe 2 hrs he is the one that said he was bad.) Anyway the sky cleared a little and the night actually ended up being pretty nice and we even went out for an evening swim.

Mike was right things only got better from there we got a new tent in the am everyone else came and we all had a really great time. We went to Rainbow Bridge which was really fun. We all tried surfing which most of us loved I believe. Even Winter tried it usually she has to be forced to try things she has a lot of fear, that I dont understand. Anyway we did a lot of tubing wake boarding etc... There was the ever famous "king of the Molecule " as it was this year . So much fun ( previous yrs it has been king of the water tramp etc..) It was so much fun I can't wait for next yr..

To all my campsite buddies, Hey whats your moodring?

the car ride down

Really Winter ? who wears those things?

Owen and xav wrestling inside the tent inside the tent

doesnt it look cozy inside?

some king of the molecule going on
Shawna, Mike, and Zar on the tube
Some more king of the molecule, Mitch losing
Xav cheesing it up
The walk to Rainbow Bridge, This is actually Mike
trying to teach Hayden how to put the moves on a girl
What a great uncle right?!

Fam picture at Rainbow Bridge
Shawna and Madz, the boys making Zar into a mermaid

isnt she a cute mermaid

Surfing adventures, Zar and mike doing it. She was brave


Hilary said...

Looks like fun! I love Lake Powell, but haven't been in years unfortunately. We have destroyed our fair share of tents there, and I know the stress of 'picking a beach' all too well . . . one year we thought we'd found the perfect little sandy island, and half out stuff unloaded before we saw the multiple rattlesnakes. We packed up in a hurry and found something more suitable to not being killed.

Howard Family said...

Yea I forgot to mention the crazy wild life this year. 1 dead rattlesnake 1 live rattlesnake, a fox, lizards of course and frogs.

Hilary said...

As kids, I think we spent any time we weren't in the water or behind a boat, chasing and trying to capture lizards. Loved it. Fortunately, we only saw snakes the one year. We did have a bat land in my friend's hair once though, the same year we saw a kangaroo rat (cutest thing ever), but that's all. That's cool about frogs, and a fox, we never saw anything like that!

dan and audrey said...

never seen a frog! but maybe thats why there is 'bullfrog'. and where are the pictures of my cute fam? and annie LOVING the water?
ps who woulda thought you to be the first to post about LP!?! hehehe

Howard Family said...

I know right I'm first amazing. um I didnt take many pics and I'm waiting for my disc from corbin. maybe if I ever get a disc there will be lake powell part 2. Besides audge isnt it up to you to post pics of your cute annie?

Christenson's said...

This was one of the best trips.... I think part of that was because you guys spent the time to pick a spot, so we didn't have everyone ornery together with too many chiefs during the miserable process!! So thanks Howards for taking one for the team!! I also loved the Rainbow Bridge excursion lots of fun!!! Audrey their are no pictures of me either and damn you know I wish she posted me in my LP lovleness......

andrewandshawnawhite said...

It was such a fun trip i am so glad Andrew and I got to go i love lake powell i wish we could have stayed a little longer!!! it was good times you never mentioned our showers at night those are always great!!! i could have done without the wildlife but other then that it was a Fabulous Trip!!!! cant wait for next year!!! my mood ring is Amazing!!! ha ha lol