So as it stands right now I see my husband for maybe about 24 hours a week, there for my intellectual conversation is very limited I am really starting to feel the toll its taking on my brain. Most of my conversation are with kids 6 and under which doesn't give me a lot of practice using my brain, the 2 days a week I do go to work I am with elderly people who either don't know what I am saying or I don't have a clue what they are saying either way not a lot of brain use is happening for me which leaves me to my own thoughts for most of the week (that can be scary trust me.) So although I am still talking to myself for the most part I thought I would share some of my recent self to self thoughts and or irritations.
1. I cant stand bikini moms, I don't mean moms that can wear a bikini because believe me if I could pull one off I would. I mean the mom that is more interested in working on her tan or gossiping with her friends than paying attention to what the hell her small child is doing. You cant just throw a life jacket on your kid and think all is well. Get in the water and play with your kid or stay home, these years with our little ones are so short soon they will grow up and be embarrassed of us or think we are to lame to hang around with.
2. When did stores and hospitals or doctors office have to post on their doors "no pets allowed"? Call me crazy but when I was little I swear people understood that dogs were pets and they belong at home not in your purse everywhere you go. I know that service animals are the exception so don't anyone get all crazy on me but how often do you go somewhere and people have their damn pets with them. I hate to break it to you people they are your pets, they're animals not your kid if you want something to dress up and take everywhere to show off have a kid. ( yes Autumn you count in this. )
3. I know I have said this before but people without kids, you don't know what your talking about, and its not as easily done as you would like to think so stop thinking those of us with kids are idiots and your going to be such a better parent than some of us.. ha ha I cant wait to laugh at you.
4. when money is as tight as it is around here you start to think about Christmas early trying to plan where the money is going to come from which brings me to my next train of thought, if you don't care to take the time to buy something for someone that they would truly like or if you don't know them well enough to even know what that is why are you buying the gift? For me it kind of takes away from the kindness when its done out of obligation as opposed to I really thought you would like this or I really took the time to try to find something for you.
5. This one will without a doubt get me into trouble. Is it possible to have to much family as in to much extended family? We spend quite a bit of time with both of our families that sometimes it seems we are missing out on making our own family traditions and stuff. So my concern comes from what about when my kids are grown are they going to want to come around when we don't have any of our own traditions in place, hard as the realization is grandparents wont be around forever and eventually extended families grow so big that some splitting has to be done. In my family I think we are getting to that with our Thanksgiving traditions and it seems to be a hard thing to change, So it worries me a bit about my own little family of 6.
6. The last thing that I have been thinking about lately is the realization of how insignificant I am in my world, or the harsh realization that what I might have thought to be insecurities aren't really insecurities after all but actual facts of life. hmm that one really sucks .
I am sure that sounds cryptic and my husband will be crazy mad trying to figure it out its not meant to be just not sure how to explain it after all this is just me thinking aloud so to speak. And lastly for anyone wondering "oh I wonder which one pertains to me, you all have issues if you think something pertains to you that's on you to figure out these are just my crazy thoughts I am not speaking about anything in general just things I have thought about lately with all the time I have to think.. (except for the dog thing that does pertain to some peeps._
Winters Dance for Ellie
2 months ago
Lol I love you Amber!!! You are so honest I just love it!!! Bikini Moms you must go to Draper pool a lot ;-) ha ha... I don't have kids yet but I totally know what your saying people Always think when they have kids they are going to be perfect!!!!! And they are going to be #1 parents and know how to do everything lol I have watched enough kids in my day to know that parenting is not going to be that easy and the more you say my kids not going to do that I think you jinx yourself lol:-) I think it's so important to start your own family traditions although when you have a million other family things it's hard... The pets in the purse lol I don't mind when people dress up their dogs ha ha but it does drive me crazy when they have them at the movie etc... It's all Paris Hiltons fault;-)
I'm sorry, I feel you on the 'lack of actual interaction with adults' thing -- Greg's working 14 hour days right now, and I'm adjusting to three small kids at home. I have to call my sister in law or Mom like once a day or so, just so I don't feel completely cut off from the world!
Oh, and yeah, I don't know why people think they should bring their pet to the store or something with them. Weird.
if you ever need adult conversation, you can always call me... i'm always home! and the traditions thing, i think you just take your favorites from each side and do them yourselves. to me thats what makes it traditon, the passing along from generation to generation. how cool would it be to say our family has done this for a hundred years or more! love you amber!!
A little glimps inside ambers head I love it! You know I will come sit in that circle of yours and have adult conversation with you anytime c: but I'm going to dress up my dog and bring over in my purse. (maybe if I'm lucky your dogs will eat him) just saying. And just for the record you are NOT insignificant in this world! Your are the most important thing in the world to four tiny little people......ok maybe one of them got a little taller than you but it didn't make you less important. Plus I quite enjoy having a friend that spends some time in weird places ( wink, wink)
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