Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy Happy Birthday Zar Zar Dear...

So today is Zarley's 6th birthday, I swear time is just flying by, it is so depressing sometimes. We had a crazy weekend with a wedding and everything that goes with that but I didnt want to forget Zarley's birthday tribute however I will have to add more tomorrow.

Zarley is a very unique girl who has the determination and stubbornness of no one I have ever met before, which I am hoping takes her very far in life, the more time that goes by the more I wonder if it took us so long and so many miscarriages to get her because she was just being stubborn, she was going to come on her time perhaps?As difficult as she can be at times she can be as equally hilarious and we can always say that she always keeps things interesting, we will never have boring lives with her in it. She is fierce and tender all at the same time. Watching her grow into a one of a kind girl has been stressful and entertaining so far and we cant wait for more, (well that depends on her mood).


Carlye Momma said...


Sharon said...

Happy Brthday Baby Girl (well you ARE our baby grandaghter). You are so very special and we love you tons! I hope the world is ready for your sixth year, because the first five have been quite something.
You are an adorbale little girl, and you truly enrich our family!
Love you,
Grandma & Grandpa Howard

Natalie said...

I love how everytime Zarley sees Emme she asks her for a hug. More than half the time Emme says no, but Zar keeps trying. She really is fierce and tender. I can't believe she is 6. Crazy!

Kerry said...

I love the pictures! Good choices. Zarley is going to take like by the horns that's for sure. I think you're right though that attitude can take her places.

andrewandshawnawhite said...

O I just love her so much she is so funny!!! I am sure glad she likes me cus she's the kinda girl who tells ya if She doesn't ha ha happy birthday zar zar!!

Hilary said...

The pictures are great -- that first one especially is just gorgeous! I haven't met her, but it sounds like she's just gonna be one of those people who leave her mark on the world! It'll be fun to see what she accomplishes!