So nothing really happens in January or February so I decided to tell you random things about me that maybe you didn't know before.
Things I love
1. Family, babies especially, (new ones the most) there innocence, and there smell.
2. Summer, the smell of the sun on my skin burning tanning whatever(I know wear sunscreen). Also the smell of the sunscreen soaked into the seats on the boat. The sound of a boat on the water and all the fun that comes along with it.
3. Watching Winter dance, being amazed by her talent I don't know where it came from. Seeing her have fun and knowing that she absolutely loves it.
4. Listening to Zarley play house or barbies hysterical the things she says and how she doesn't care who is listening the things she knows and comes up with are great.
5. Watching Owen watch Spiderman or football(every sport is football) with his dad. Or playing catch in the house with his dad.
6. Watching Xavier watch and laugh at Owen in complete admiration and awe of his brother.
7. Mike, his willingness to work his butt off for our family. Also watching a TV series on DVD ...IE Weeds, Nip Tuck, Entourage, whatever it is laying in bed and watching it with him is so rare that I love it.
8. The ocean the sound the smell the sand, that's my happy place.
9. My parents, my dads amazing talents and building things and his friendship. My mom and how she always tries to show you the other side even if she doesn't necessarily agree with the other side. Memories of her singing, Smokey The Bear especially. Her efforts and always being fair to everyone, what one person gets everyone gets or no one gets. Very much appreciated especially now being a mother. most recently her cakes she made us as kids I had no idea how much work they were.
10. My In-laws. They are always there to help us out when we need it which is appreciated more than we could ever say or show. Also the time they take to spend with the kids and do things with them whether its while helping out by babysitting and doing something fun or just doing something fun with them. I know they will always have fond memories of those times as they grow older like I do because of my grandma doing the same thing.
11. Politics, debates mostly when I feel informed on the issue. I don't know why I love it but I do and talk radio goes along with that.
Things I hate
1. Feeling out of control, no matter what the situation, finances, kids house, messes, I hate feeling like I have no control.
2. Zarley's uncontrollable fits, no way to stop them and again the control issue, she can make me crazy.
3. Mike working all the time and not being home or around for the little things.
4. insincere or mean people. If you want to be nice be nice if you don't just stay away I don't like people doing things because the feel obligated if you don't want to do something say no!
5. Not knowing or having answers for things. Like not being able to help my mom understand why she has the health problems she has there are sometimes no answers and that's frustrating.
6. Bills I hate bills and having to take care of all that it sucks.
7. Getting up at night whatever the reason someone needs help back to bed after going to the bathroom , the dogs want to go out, the baby is crying , I have to go to the bathroom, Hate it just want to sleep through the night cant remember the last time that happened.
8. Valentines, what a lame holiday, and with that getting flowers, really? come on what a waste of money you all know they are going to day in a few days right? go outside to look at them or cut them from outside. Going out to dinner to much stress why wait for 90 min just to eat at Chili's, well that's how I feel about it anyway.
9. People who play games, I guess that goes with say what you mean and mean what you say. I hate it when someone will be nice then oh someone else I like or want to like me is around so now I am going to treat you like crap, that really bugs me. With that people who play favorites. I get that we all click differently with different people but shouldn't we try to be fair to everyone.
10. Being cold, I like the snow at Christmas and I like it in the mountains and wouldn't mind being able to afford to go skiing or snowboarding a couple of times a year but for the most part I hate being cold and walking or driving in the snow I love the sun.
11. People judging situations or people before they have all or any facts. Especially when someone questions your parenting, no I am not parent of the year but is anybody really a perfect parent? And what might work for your kid doesnt mean it will work for mine. More than anything I hate when people who don't have kids try to give advice really what do they know?
With that people who judge for religious reasons, just because someone is mormon doesn't mean that they will dislike someone who is not mormon. I think non religious people are just as judgemental of religious people. It goes both ways and I see the judgement from both sides and that bugs me not all good people go to church every week sometimes the ones that do go are the ones that aren't that nice, and vice versa.
Well thats it hopefully you learned something new about me. If not Oh well I don't really care.
Winters Dance for Ellie
2 months ago
So Hilary sent me the link to your blog. Your kids are so adorable! It was fun to read and catch up! Take care!
Wow!! It was all nice and lovey and bam the hate things..... which of those were for me? I know you and some of those were headed somewhere and if it me let me know Sorry is all I can say, I know I sometimes do things I don't want to do, but usually with you I feel I can say no, I just know you differently.. also on the parenting who left the kids in the tub.... I have no room to judge on the parenting thing. I hope I am not nice and then mean when others show up if so give me a heads up... again I will just comment with wow!!
I just reread it and think I understand more so don't pay too much attention to my last message by the way cute cute picture of your boys!!
I had to agree with almost everything on your lists . . . except babies smelling good . . . I've had two very, very spitty babies, so unless we're right out of the tub or something, I swear they always just smell like puke. :-) Everything else about 'em is great though. :-)
Amber, I know you don't really know me at all, but if you ever want to get the kids together, my two girls are almost the exact same ages as your two youngest . . . and I'm new down here and haven't met a ton of people and my two year old is getting stir crazy! :-) I don't know what your schedule is like, but I'm home all day . . . bored. :-) Email me if you want
And when the weather gets nicer, we have a zoo pass that gets in two free guests (and kids under 3 are free), so if you ever wanted to hit the zoo one day with the kids, we're always looking for people to go with . . .
That was one of the most sincere and thoughtful writings I've read. It did help me understand you more and hopefully you'll understand me saying what a wonderful, loving, caring person you are! Keep up the good work! Obviously I could say not to mind what other people think, but apparently you already do that! Just take note of my kind words today and know I Love you and all your sibs. Have a Happy Valentines' Day! I love it more than ever. I try to make it more about my kids and hubby than me, and it works amazingly well. My basic philosophy is this....If you don't expect anything, you'll never be disappointed! Honk
um that was pretty intense! and i did learn something new about you!
Ahh .. nobody is parent of the year. We all have faults in our own way. But all we can do is try our best and take one day at a time. I envy that you are able to stay home with your kids all day long. So much of what you said resonated with me. Couldn't help but wonder who some of the hates were directed at (I think that's human nature). All the talk about summer, sun and boats *sigh* I can't wait!! With how people constantly judge me with Baylee it's really made me work harder to remind myself that there are definitely always two sides to a situation. And you're so right .. Zarley says some of the funniest stuff.
Ok everyone just a rant my I hate things werent really directed at anyone in person just things that came to mind.. I am not mad at anyone ok sorry!
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