Friday, August 12, 2011

To Mike

So I am not one of those people that talks about how they have the most amazing best husband in all the land because I think it is silly. Everyone wants needs expects different things from their spouse so who is to say whose is the best?

However I can say that I have the hardest working spouse that I know. Mike works ridiculous hours and he works hard and does a great job and he does it all for his family and I know that I don't tell him enough how much I appreciate him for that. about a month ago Mike was rewarded with employee of the quarter at his place of employment. I just wanted to take a moment and tell him how proud of him I am and how happy I am that he is finally getting the acknowledgement that he so deserves.

Mike and I are going through a real hard time right now and our future is uncertain. I am not an easy person to live with and I appreciate him for putting up with me for the last 10 yrs. I have been in other relationships which is no secret, I thought that I loved other people or that other people loved me but not until Mike came into my life did I realize what real love felt like. He has loved me more than anyone ever has in my whole life and I have been so lucky. I won't say he has been the best husband ever and God and everyone knows that I haven't been the best wife ever but we have made it through a lot. No matter what happens I just want Mike to know that I love him and appreciate all he has done for me in our life together.

Love always,


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