So Winter started Jr. High this week, Sure makes you feel old to send your kid to Jr. High and the time goes by so fast,(I swear I am only 27). We are headed into uncharted waters. The highs and lows of teenage life. We say goodbye to the days of mommy knows everything and my mom is the smartest best ever, she can fix it all and we say hello to the days of my mom is so stupid, my parents are the worst ever, or Ugh your so ANNOYING. This has already started I took Winter shopping this week and she would ask for my opinion then not want it or say I was no help, or say "ugh your so ANNOYING". Where does the time go? Other moms ahead of me in parenting have warned me of the difficulties of Jr high, (sigh) but Winter loves school and is the most social person I have ever met and she seems to be a bit more mature for her age, so I am hoping that all of this will help us to not have quite as rough of a year than others before us.
Winters Dance for Ellie
5 weeks ago
Have so much fun Winter!!!! I love your face:-) I can't believe she is in jr high wow time goes by so fast:-( I remember when I first met her she was so little I think like 5!!! She is getting so old and beautiful:-) good luck Amber:-)
She is a bit off. But thats why i love her. I love her weirdness . . . Mike
I think she'll do great in Junior High! She's such a cute girl!
Good luck with all the teenage stuff :-)
I feel ya. Jr. High? Where did that time go??? Good luck I'm sure Winter will do fantastic!!
She seems so confident.... She will probably breeze through jr high!
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