Tuesday, September 15, 2009

what makes you sad?

You know how when your kids hurt your hurt right? Well since school started I have noticed that Zarley seems to be having a hard time adjusting, Her infamous fits have started back up which is always hard on everyone and very trying of my patience. Her sight seems to have set her back a bit trying to adjust to how things are really suppose to look. ( a issue I have a lot of guilt about, not knowing your child cant see can do that to you). Anyway this afternoon a neighbor girl told me that she saw Zarley crying at recess and that she wanted me, this broke my heart, I asked her about it and she said she didn't have anyone to play with (her buddy Jackson was home sick) Everyday is a fight she doesn't want to go to school and after school she is sad because she doesn't have anyone to play with. All the other girls in the neighborhood have afternoon kindergarten and when they are home they don't seem to get a long with her any way they as they like to tell her are "popular" and she is not. All these things just make me want to cry, she is a funny little firecracker if you take the time to know her and I hate seeing her struggle and such a little age. How do you know when to step in and when your being a mother hen? I have to give a shout out to Maddie one of her favorite cousin I'm sure, she will play with her when the other kids won't she takes her to Walgreens on her scooter and they often have sleepovers together its so cute! I haven't ever had this problem with Winter she seems to make friends everywhere she goes so if anyone has any experience with this I'm listening.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

what makes you feel old?

So today I took Xavier to his 15 month appointment and started thinking wow 15 months already, where has the time gone, then I started thinking I am getting old. Then I started running down the list of things that make me feel old.
winter to big to dance in the rain
Zarley old enough to dance in the rain

Xav figuring out a power wheel
Zarley learning to ride a 2 wheeler

Zarley doing her first homework assignment

Owen going out the door for first day of preschool
first school picture by the apple tree
Owen walking into school
Owen and Jackson coming out to the car after
there first day of preschool! They had a good time
They told me they rode bikes in the sand, and played
batman with capes. They were so cute!
As cute as they were this only added to my oh my gosh I am getting old, not to mention I took Zarley to her first day of dance for the year. She is on the mini team this year so she will go to competitions and stuff. I just think she is still to little but apparently not. So I ask what makes you feel old?